Pessoas que largaram tudo para se aventurar nesse mundão de Au Pair!

12 fevereiro 2014

Minha lista de perguntas "Cara de pau"

Quando estava no processo de entrevistar famílias, organizei uma lista de perguntas totalmente estilo "cara de pau". Reuni umas que peguei em blogs, criei outras, pedi nos grupos... E agora venho compartilhar com vocês.

Comece o email assim:

I also have some question bellow. They don't have right or wrong answer, is just for if we have a match, I will know exactly how will be my year with your family.

  • About the kids and family

I consider really important have a healthy diet, so may I try introduce this in your kids diet? Try different vegetables, fruits and recipes.

Is the kids allowed watch TV and play videogames? If so, how many times per week and how long?

Do the kids usually cry when you leave?

Are they jealous with each other?

Do they kids take shower every day?

What was the last time they get sick? What did they have? For how long?

Do I have to call you to tell if we are going to the park?

Can I show my culture for the kids? Can I cook Brazilian food?

Do you eat dinner together?

Do you mind if the Au Pair eat dinner with you?

  • About the car

How far from the house  I have permission to use the car? What is the car curfew?

 Are there any certain times when I can't use the car?

Will the car be only to Au Pair use or it's to share with the family? If will be only to Au Pair use, need ask permission every time before get the car?

How works the payment of the gas in your family?

Will I have to drive the kids for some activity when I be working?
  • About the schedule

How is it decided which weekend is off? 

How will be the schedule in the holydays?

Can you give a example of my schedule?

I totaly understand that I am not able to make some duties while I watch the kids, but am I free to decide when is better to me make the laundry for example? Or do you have a day you prefer?

  • About phone and connection

How is the Internet in your house? Am I free to use in my off time?

Will I have Internet in my room?

What do you think about have one phone only to the family and I keep my personal to friends and Internet? If you agree, will you be able to pay one (to the family) and I pay the another to me?

  • Au Pair

Would you mind if I ask you to talk to your Au Pair? I have some questions about the area, about the others Au Pairs, about where she studies 

Is your Au Pair in remach now? If so, who asked for rematch? Why?

How many Au pairs did you have and how long they lived with your family?

Have some rule about when and how many times can I take shower? Because some families can have problems with the noise.

The door has lock in the Au Pair bedroom? Children (in the case just Owen because the baby dont walk yet) are accustomed to frequent the  Au Pair bedroom?

How often the people go to the playroom? The kids usually play there or it's only to adults?

How your Au Pair usually go to school? By car or by bus? If I need, can I use the car for go to school?

Do you have in your house some kind of food am I not allowed to eat? For example, I already saw host families putting name on the food for Au Pair don't eat. Can this happening in your house?

If the Au Pair like to eat some kind of food that your family don't, will you be able to buy?

The Au Pair supposed to to make dinner for everyone? If so, how often?

Who is responsible for making market? Will the Au Pair be responsivel for this in some moment?

If any day Patty (A Nanny) won't work for some reason, how it will be? What is the back up plan?

Take your time to answer. Remember that is not wrong or right, it's just a way to know how will be live in your family.


4 comentários:

  1. Nossa, muuuuitas perguntas. Mas, gostei. Me deu várias ideias, hehe.
    Beijos! <3

  2. Caraca! Quando eu conversei com a minha família, antes de ir, eu não fiz nem 1/4 dessas perguntas! A mulher me falava tanta coisa, mas tanta coisa que eu ficava sem ideia alguma do que eu queria saber. Mas são pontos importantes pra se saber antes de chegar lá.
    Tu enviou todas essas perguntas? E todas foram respondidas?

  3. Muito show sua lista... Com certeza não inspirou somente a mim, mas a outras meninas a já prepararem algo, ou imaginar a resposta...

  4. As perguntas estão boas , eu nao fiz metade delas quando eu fui haha, deveria ter feito.
    Apenas algumas estão com errinhos e ficou meio sem sentido , por exemplo
    "How often the people go to the playroom? The kids usually play there or it's only to adults?" Não entendi o que você quis dizer nesta e esta aqui também está meio estranha "Who is responsible for making market? Will the Au Pair be responsivel for this in some moment? " Dá para corrigir algumas coisas para ficar mais claro na hora da família responder e não ter erro :D Se quiser eu te dou um help

    Boa sorte :D
