Hi Everyone,
today I am here to share with all of you the amazing experience I had this weekend. As you all know I was an aupair in Kansas City in 2007 and those 2 girls in the pic attached are the kids I took care there!
Last friday was my birthday and my current host family gave me 2 days off to celebrate so I finally had a chance to go visit Kansas City. I went there on friday (my bday) and stayed until Monday at my old host family's house!
I can tell you guys after 3 years away it was amazing to get back and see how those 2 little girls are big and smart and sweet! See the house, the parents, the dogs. Everything was kinda the same didn't really change so it was a mix of feelings!
Kaya who was 1 year and half when I left has grown a loooooooot! And even she doesn't really remember me she was all over me so it was awesooome!
I also had a chance to see some friends who are still there...some married, some are dating, some studying, some babysitting, but all the same!
And after this amazing trip I could confirm how amazing was my time in KC 4 years ago BUT it was 4 years ago PERIOD. I could realize how happy I am in SF and that I should enjoy even more my time here. "So I left my heard in SF..."
Eu nao tenho ideia porque to postando em ingles, mas ja escrevi tanto q nao vo apagar heheh! So queria dividir com voces essa experiencia e dizer que aproveitem cada segundo des
se ano tao especial em nossas vidas. Espero que todas tenham sorte de encontrarem familias maravilhosas como eu. Me sinto abencoada por Deus por ter me dado 2 familias tao boas!

So this is Kaya and Nikita 3 years later ;)
Bjus e bom mes a todos!
PICTURES CREDITS TO Tatjana Alvegaard (host mom) www.alvegaard.com
Ohh...your post is very good!
ResponderExcluirI realy loved it.
As time goes by fast!
ohhhhh i love to see both pictures, makes me wanna cry and imagine myself doing the same in 3 years or so.. ahahah
sensacional amiga... e fico feliz que vc descobriu que deixou seu heart in san francisco... afinal eu to aquiiiiiii
ResponderExcluirTodas lindas!
ResponderExcluirQue oportunidade essa de voltar! única com certeza. Que maraaaa!!!!! =)
ResponderExcluirGostei do post.
Andreia, que maravilhoso!
ResponderExcluirVou contar uma coisa meninas, a minha primeira palestra e contato com esse mundo au pair quem deu foi a Andreia e me lembro claramente do carinho com que ela falava dessas meninas, das fotos e videos que lembro que ela mostrou e como ela morria de saudades...
Fico sinceramente feliz de saber que vc teve essa oportunidade de revê-las.