Pessoas que largaram tudo para se aventurar nesse mundão de Au Pair!

04 janeiro 2014

Pos Au Pair: Como se alistar na Army do USA SEM o Green Card e SEM a cidadania.

Hello Meninos e meninas, au pairizada do meu Brasil! 

Pra quem tem acompanhado os meus post nesse blog, vcs sabem que tenho falado sobre o meu alistamento na Navy certo? Certo! Entao nao vou repetir o assunto ou falar sobre coisas que ja falei, se vcs tem duvidas sobre o processo de alistamento em geral, sobre o estilo de vida, beneficios e sei la mais o que ve os meus dois posts anteriores nesse mesmo blog OU vai no meu vlog " eh soh digitar no youtube Caroline Andrade Knowles, que vc encontra" e da uma olhada em todos os videos que postei.

No entanto se vc sabe do que estou falando e sabe do que tenho falado, vai ficar feliz em descobrir que adquiri mais informacoes que interessam a VOCE que ama esse pais, que adoraria ficar pelas bandas de ca e ter um futuro nas Terras do Tio Sam mas nao sabe como. Se vc eh aventureiro o suficiente pra desbravar o mundo desconhecido do servico militar, essa eh a sua chance!!!

Okay, okay, sei que voces nao vao me perdoar tao facil ja que nao postei no mes passado e sei que no ultimo post prometi falar sobre o BOOTCAMP "apesar de que fiz um video sobre a minha experiencia no MEPS e pretendia postar o video aqui nesse mes".
De fato, mesmo sabendo que ja falei sobre o MEPS no post passado, havia decidido que dessa vez iria complementar o conhecimento de voces sobre o assunto trazendo novas informacoes e uma perspectiva pessoal ja que passei pelo processo a pouquissimo tempo. Entretando, contudo e todavia, depois de muito pensar decidi que o video sobre o MEPS ira pra o meu Vlog "o mesmo que citei acima" e hoje, aqui e agora no blog das 30 au pairs, falarei sobre um assunto que ha de interessar MUITAS au pairs, futuras au pairs e ex au pairs:

Como se alistar nas forcas armadas dos USA SEM O green card e SEM a cidadania!!!!!

Empolgados? Hahaha I bet you are! Mas antes de mais nada preciso deixar claro 5 coisitas meus queridos, entao preciso que voces parem tudo o que estao fazendo e prestem bastante atencao...

1) Pra esse post sair fiz uma research gigantesca com o intuito de encontrar toda a documentacao e informacao que postarei abaixo, entao espero que vcs nao sejam preguicosos e LEIAM TUDO antes de fazer qualquer pergunta sobre o assunto!

2) A unica maneira que vc pode se alistar SEM ser Cidadao ou SEM possuir o Green Card eh pelo MAVNI e durante a minha pesquisa descobri que a UNICA branch que aceita o MAVNI eh a ARMY. E sim, pra quem ta na duvida a army eh o exercito, entao, pra voces que queriam ir pra outras branches como a Navy, Marines, Air Force and so on, sinto muito mas ARMY eh a sua unica opcao.

3) Como voces sabem, euzinha estou me alistando na NAVY, entao o meu conhecimento especifico eh sobre a NAVY, ou seja? Se vc tem duvidas sobre bases da Army, estilo de vida da Army ou qualquer coisa que se relacione ou co-relacione com a Army, nao adianta me perguntar pq eu nao saberei responder sem pesquisar antes e se eu preciso pesquisar algo pra te responder, significa que VOCE tambem tera acesso a mesma resposta se voce decidir pesquisar por si mesmo. =)

4) Se voce NAO gosta de ler e nao tem paciencia de lidar com papelada, nem siga adiante. Ha MUITA informacao pra ser lida pelos que estao interessados em se alistar e se vc tiver preguica de se informar e correr atras de paperwork, acredito que infelizmente esse nao eh o seu caminho.

5) Se vcs amam os USA, amam morar aqui e tem a intencao de construir uma vida e uma carreira nas terras do tio SAM mas nao conheceram ou nao pretendem conhecer o boy magia importado e acham que nao ha muita possibilidade de adquirir o WORK VISA que te permitiria ficar, trabalhar e ser feliz, essa pode ser a oportunidade que vc estava esperando.

Agora vamos ao que interessa au pairizada. Toda a documentacao e informacao que vc precisa se encontra nos links abaixo.

PS: Os textos em vermelho sao pra serem lidos se voces se encaixarem no perfil descrito no titulo do topico, se esse nao for o caso de voces, passem a diante. ;)

1) O que eh o MAVNI? Voce se qualifica?

2) Como comecar o seu processo de alistamento na ARMY pelo MAVNI:

3) Documento para levar para o recruiter quando voce for comecar o seu alistamento:

4) Como aplicar pra cidadania uma vez que voce ja esteja alistado(a):

5) Se vc tem o Student VISA, como proceder? 

F and M Students and MAVNI 
A Guide for Designated School Officials 

What is MAVNI? 
Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) allows certain non-citizens 
who are legally present in the United States to join the U.S. military and apply 
immediately for U.S. citizenship using Form N-400, “Application for Naturalization,”   
without first obtaining lawful permanent residence. The program is only available to 
legal aliens holding critical skills – physicians, nurses, and experts in certain 
languages with associated cultural backgrounds.

How does MAVNI affect F and M students?  
F and M students who meet the requirements may apply for MAVNI. Designated 
school officials (DSO) should be aware of the program to help participating students 
make the transition from F or M student to naturalization applicant.

Who can apply for MAVNI? 

MAVNI is only available to legal aliens holding one of the following critical skills: 

Physicians / Nurses – may enlist for a minimum of three years of active duty 
or six years in the U.S. Army Reserve as a health care professional

Experts in certain languages with associated cultural backgrounds – 
may enlist as a language recruit for at least four years of active duty

What languages qualify for the MAVNI application? 
Albanian Haitian-Creole Moro Somali 
Amharic Hausa Nepalese Swahili 
Arabic Hindi Persian1  Tagalog 
Azerbaijani Hungarian Polish Tajik 
Bengali Igbo Portuguese Tamil 
Burmese Indonesian Punjabi Thai 
Cambodian-Khmer Korean Pushtu2  Turkish 
Cebuano Kurdish Russian Turkmen 
Chinese Lao Serbo-Croatian Urdu 
Czech Malay Sindhi Uzbek 
French3  Malayalam Sinhalese Yoruba 
 Dari and Farsi 
 aka Pashto 
 limited to individuals possessing citizenship from an African country

How does MAVNI lead to citizenship? 
Enlisted persons under MAVNI are eligible to apply for naturalization due to the 
wartime enlistment statute of 2002 (8 USC 1440, INA 329) and Executive Order 
13269, without any minimum period of military service. The U.S. military requires 
MAVNI enlistees to apply for naturalization. However, this does not guarantee 

How can enlistment into MAVNI affect an F or M student’s Student and 
Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) record and status? 
F and M students will not be able to maintain their student status after beginning a 
tour of duty with the U.S. military. A DSO will terminate the SEVIS record of an F or 
M student who cannot maintain student status. The student will no longer be in F or 
M status. 
Neither the enlistment nor the actual filing of the Form N-400 provides enlistees with 
any immigration status. Enlistees may remain in the United States while the 
citizenship application is pending, however, if they were in F or M status at the time 
of filing.

What happens if a MAVNI applicant does not pass basic training?
USCIS will evaluate each applicant’s situation individually: 
Some, such as those recruits who had planned to enter the reserves, may be 
able to return to their previous status. 
A person who receives a discharge for medical reasons may receive 
temporary B status to allow time to get personal affairs in order. 
USCIS may not grant temporary status to a recruit who leaves the military 
USCIS is willing to excuse a late filing for reinstatement in some 
circumstances. If the previous visa status is not an option, however, USCIS 
may consider discretionary options to give the individual some time to get 
personal affairs in order.

What reason should DSOs select in SEVIS for termination of an enlisted 
student’s record? 

Urge the student to apply for naturalization as soon as possible after 
Perform the following actions in SEVIS for a student who has not yet applied 
for naturalization but has been maintaining student status up to the time when 
enlistment makes that impossible: 
o Terminate the record.  
o List “Authorized Early Withdrawal” as the reason for termination in  
o State in the Remarks section that the student has maintained status up 
to the present time and that the record termination is due to MAVNI 
enlistment. Include the date on which the student must report, if known. 

Perform the following actions in SEVIS for an enlisted student who has not 
told the DSO about the matter but has stopped maintaining student status: 
o Select the “Termination.”  
o List “Otherwise Failing to Maintain Status” as the reason for termination  

What action should be taken on the SEVIS record of an F or M dependent when 
the F or M student enlists in the U.S. military through MAVNI? 

Dependents of a MAVNI participant do not gain any status from the MAVNI 
programs but must do one of the following: 
o Obtain a new status. 
o Depart the United States. 
E-mail the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) at

What points of contact are available? 

DSOs can contact SEVP with questions regarding the following issues: 
o Nonimmigrant enlistment in the U.S. military 
o Any other related topics 
E-mail with the subject “ATTN: MAVNI” 
DSOs can contact the military branch with questions regarding the following 
o Eligibility for the MAVNI program 
o Recruitment process 
DSOs can contact USCIS with questions regarding the following issues:  
o General questions about the Form N-400 
o Application process 
Call USCIS 1-800-375-5283

What other resources are available? 

Department of Defense MAVNI Fact Sheet 
USCIS website providing information about the military and naturalization 
USCIS website providing information about U.S. citizenship

What does a DSO need to do when a…?

-F or M student enlists in 
the U.S. military through 


Talk to F or M student 
in Active status who 
informs you of 
enlistment in the U.S. 
military to determine 
the last day the 
student will be in 
o During authorized 
vacation or break 
o While enrolled in 
a full course of 
o During practical 
Complete the record if 
the F or M student has completed the 
program of study. 
Enter language in the 
comments section to 
reflect MAVNI 
Terminate the 
student’s record in  
SEVIS within 21 days 
of the date the 
student will stop 
maintaining status as 
described by 8 CFR 
214.2(f) or (m)
o A student who 
employment with 
the U.S. military 
may go through a 
enlistment. The 
date of beginning 
employment is 
the date of 
o Beginning 
employment with 
the U.S. military 
ends student 
status because it 
is not authorized 

-Student on optional 
practical training (OPT) 
then enlists in the U.S. 
military through MAVNI 

Cannot not count 
employment in the 
U.S. military as 
Know that a 
student can 
continue to work 
on OPT or maintain studies 
until beginning 
employment with 
the U.S. military – 
usually the report 
date for basic 
Terminate the 
SEVIS record within 21 days of 
the report date for 
basic training. 
o Add the 
reason for 
Withdrawal” if  
the student 
has reported 
the situation to 
the DSO. 
o State in the 
section on the 
Form I-20, 
“Certificate of  
Eligibility for 
Status,” in  
SEVIS that the 
student is 
MAVNI and 
status up to 
that point, as 

-F or M dependent 
enlists in the U.S. 
military through 

The same procedures 
as for a student  
Select “Other”  
and one of the 
two following 
choices for 
principal status: 
o Completed
o Terminated 
Insert the MAVNI 
comments used 
for the F or M 

-Dependent of an F or M 

student who enlists in the 
U.S. military through 

Dependents of a 
MAVNI participant do 
not gain any status 
from the MAVNI 
programs but must do 
one of the following: 
o Obtain a new 
o Depart the United 
E-mail the Student 
and Exchange Visitor 
Program (SEVP) at 
with specific 

6) O que voce PRECISA saber sobre o MAVNI se vc eh da area de SAUDE:

USAREC Message 12-248 Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) Recruitment Pilot for Health Care Providers
admin | September 28, 2012	 | Reply
1.  THIS IS AN IMMEDIATE MESSAGE, and is valid for 2 years from date of
publication unless rescinded or superseded.

2.  References:

    a.  10 U.S.C. 504

    b.  Memorandum, Secretary of Defense, 16 May 2012, Subject: Reinstatement of
        the Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) Pilot.

    c.  Memorandum, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, 16 February
        2012, Subject: Military Accessions Vital to National Interest Program
        Security Reviews and Monitoring Programs. 

    d.  Memorandum, Secretary of the Army, 23 December 2008, Subject: Authority
        to Implement Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI).

    e.  Army Regulation 601-37, Army Medical Recruiting Program, dated 1 May

    f.  Army G1 Implementation Policy, dated 26 Sep 2012, Two Year Reinstatement
        of Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) Pilot
        Program Implementation Policy.

    g.  USAREC Message 10-003, Requesting Oral Proficiency Interviews (Updated),
        dated 13 October 2010.

3.  The purpose of this message is to announce that effective 27 Sep 2012, the
MAVNI program is open to all Medical Recruiting Stations/Centers (MRSC).  The
MAVNI program allows enlistment and future appointment of certain legal
non-immigrant aliens with authorized healthcare professions qualifications.  The
program has been extended until May of 2014.  There will be annual and specific
Area of Concentration (AOC) caps.  HSD, HQ USAREC will notify MRB/MRBns when caps
are nearing their limits.

4.  Applicants interested in MAVNI must enter information into a central
collection database prior to any interview process.  This includes any �walk-in�
or �call-ins� to any MRSC.

Health Care professionals will be directed to:

Applicants interested in the Enlisted process will be directed to:


    a.  Age; 21-40, must be under 40 at the time of shipping except for MOS 09Q.
        09Qs boarded for Regular Army appointment must be appointed on Active
        Duty prior to their 42nd birthday.

    b.  Citizenship; legal non immigrant alien lawfully admitted and permitted to
        be in the United States as verified by documentation from Homeland
     I.  Applicants must be an Asylee; a person who applied for, and was granted
         asylum in the United States. Refugee; a person who was admitted to the
         United States as a refugee. Or, Temporary protected status (TPS); a
         person who has been granted permission to remain in the United States
         for a specified period of time because of an emergency or conflict in
         their home Country.

    II.  Or applicants must be in a non immigrant legal status category of one of
         the following:
       E-1-Individual in the U.S. to conduct trade under a treaty
       E-2-Individual in the U.S. to develop and direct an organization in which
           the individual has invested substantial capital under a treaty
       E-3-Australian Free Trade agreement working in specialty occupations
       F-1-Academic or language training student
       F-2-Dependant of an F-1 Student
       F-3-Part time student commuting from Canada or Mexico
       H-1B-Individual in the U.S. to perform professional services for a
            sponsoring employer for a specified period of time
       H-1C-Individual in the U.S. to perform professional nursing for the
            sponsoring organization for a specific period of time
       H-2A-Individual in the U.S. to perform temporary agricultural work
       H-2B-Individual in the U.S. in a temporary position for which a shortage
            exists in the U.S.
       H-3-Individual in the U.s. to participate in a training program provided
           by the sponsoring employer
       H-4-Dependent of an H principal legal status holder
       I-Legal status for foreign media representative
       J-1-Student admitted as a student for duration of stay under exchange
           visitor application
       J-2-Dependent of J-1 legal status holder
       K-1-Fiancee of a U.S Citizen
       K-2-Minor child of K-1
       K-3-Spouse of a U.S. Citizen
       K-4-Child of K-3
       L-1-Individual transferred to the U.S. from an affiliated office or entity
           of the U.S. employer to work as an executive or specialist
       L-2-Dependent of L-1 transferee
       M-1-Vocational student admitted for duration of status
       M-2-Dependent of M-1 principal legal status holder
       M-3-Part time student commuting from Canada or Mexico
       O-1-Individual of extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, business,
           education or athletics
       O-2-Personnel accompanying an O-1 legal status holder
       O-3-Dependent of an O-1 or O-2 legal status holder
       P-1-Internationally recognized entertainer or athlete and essential
       P-2-Artist or entertainer in the U.S. under a reciprocal exchange program
       P-3-Individual in the U.S. in a culturally unique program to perform,
           coach, teach or train
       P-4-Dependent of a principal P legal status holder
       Q-1-Participant in an international cultural exchange program
       Q-2-Participant in the Irish peace process cultural and training program
       Q-3-Dependent of Q-2 legal status holders
       R-1-Individual in the U.S. as a bona fide religious organization carrying
           out religious activities
       R-2-Dependent of R-1 legal status holder
       S-5-Informant of criminal organization information
       S-6-Informant of terrorism information
       S-7-Spouse, parent or child of S-5 or S-6
       T-1-Victim of a severe form of trafficking in persons
       T-2-Spouse of a victim of severe form of trafficking in persons
       T-3-Child of a severe form of trafficking in persons
       T-4-Parent of victim of severe form of trafficking in persons (if T-1
           victim is under 21 years of age)
       TC-Canadian physician authorized to engage in direct patient care
       TD-Dependent of a TN visa holder
       TN-A citizen of Canada or Mexico in the U.S. under NAFTA to perform
          specific services for a sponsoring employer
       U-Victims of certain crimes
       U-1-Victim of certain criminal activity
       U-2-Spouse of U-1
       U-3-Child of U-1
       U-4 Parent of U-1, if U-1 is under 21 years of age
       V-1-Spouse of a U.S. lawful permanent resident
       V-2-Child of a U.S. lawful permanent resident
       V-3-Child of a V-1 or V-2 status individual  

   III.  Typical documents to prove legal status will be as follows-Valid,
         unexpired foreign passport and one of the following; I-94 card, I-797,
         DS-2019, IAP-66, I-20 or other valid unexpired employment authorization
         issued by the Department of Homeland Security. Instructions to validate
         citizenship are outlined in V below.

    IV.  Must have had legal status for at least the last 2 years with no single
         absence of more than 90 days from the U.S. during the two year period
         immediately preceding the date of enlistment.

     V.  Applicants in the legal statuses listed above may or may not have an
         Alien registration number (ARN).  Those applicants having an ARN will be
         built in DCA using their ARN.  In cases where there is no ARN,
         Recruiters will use the I-94 number in ARISS for processing purposes.
         The I-94 number will be present on citizenship documents used to process
         for enlistment.  This number will be an I followed by 11 digits.
         Instructions for building a record in DCA for those applicants without
         an ARN is below.

       A)  Recruiters will use the citizenship status of �(MAVNI) Non Immigrant
           Foreign National� (citizenship code J).

       B)  Recruiters will enter document source of I-94 and enter the 11 digit
           I-94 number.

       C)  Once projection has been made using the I-94 number, information that
           returns from the United States Citizenship Immigration Services
           (USCIS) via MEPCOM will return as not found or no match.  The
           applicant�s record will be placed in an �N� status in MIRS.  MEPCOM in
           coordination with the GC office will remove the �N� status and
           processing can continue.

    VI.  Grace Periods-Certain VISA types have a grace period beyond the
         expiration date of the document.  Those in the grace period may process
         for enlistment, shipdate must be prior to the end of the grace period.

      F-1 VISA Holders-are given 60 days after completion of study to depart
      F-2 VISA Holders-are given 60 days after completion of study to depart
      H1B VISA Holders-are given 10 days after expiration of the validity period
      J-1 VISA Holders-have a 30-day grace period following completion of status
      J-2 VISA Holders-have a 30-day grace period following completion of status
      M-1 VISA Holders-have a 30-day grace period following completion of status
      M-2 VISA Holders-have a 30-day grace period following completion of status

    c.  Name; Applicants will enlist and be appointed using the name listed on
        their immigration documents IAW UR 601-37, chapter 18.

    d.  SSN; Required for all applicants.

    e.  Education; Must meet the educational requirements IAW UR 601-37, for the
        AOC the applicant is requesting. The only authorized AOCs for processing

     Regular Army                      Army Reserve
     Dental Corps                      Dental Corps
     63A General Dentist               63A General Dentist
     63B Comprehensive Dentist         63B Comprehensive Dentist
     63N Oral/Maxillofacial Surgeon    63F Prosthodontist
                                       63N Oral/Maxillofacial Surgeon

     Medical Corps                     Medical Corps
     60P Pediatrician                  60C Preventive Medicine
     60W Psychiatrist                  60K Urologist
     61F Internist                     60N Anesthesiologist
     61H Family Medicine               60S Ophthalmologist
     61J General Surgeon               60T Otolaryngologist (ENT)
     62A Emergency Physician           60W Psychiatrist
                                       61H Family Medicine
     Medical Service Corps             61J General Surgeon
     72A Nuclear Medical Science       61K Thoracic Surgeon
     72B Entomologist                  61M Orthopedic Surgeon
     73A Social Work                   62A Emergency Physician
     73B Clinical Psychologist
                                       Medical Service Corps
     Nurse Corps                       72B Entomologist
     66CM8 Psych Nurse Practitioner    73B Clinical Psychologist
     66F Nurse Anesthetist
                                       Medical Specialist Corps
                                       65D Physician Assistant

                                       Nurse Corps
                                       66CM8 Psych Nurse Practitioner 

    f.  Trainability; Must score a 50 or higher on the ASVAB. AOC will be based
        on professional qualifications IAW UR 601-37. Health Care providers must
        meet the same professional qualifications as citizens.  When enlisting
        under MAVNI as an 09Q MOS, must meet the OPI requirements of 2+/2+.
        Exceptions to policy may be granted by OTSG for speakers that score 2+/2.
        Recruiters and applicants need to be aware that any AOC selected by the
        MAVNI applicant will be their AOC for the duration of their initial
        contract. MAVNI Soldiers fall under the same reclassification rules as
        any other Soldier and should not be promised reclassification after they
        are Naturalized.

    g.  Physical; Must be able to meet the procurement physical fitness standards
        of AR 40-501 chapter 2. Medical Waivers are authorized however, Drug and
        Alcohol (DAT) waivers are not authorized.

    h.  Dependents; Standards set forth in UR 601-37 are to be utilized.
        Applicants do not require dependency waivers IAW AR 601-100, AR 135-100
        and UR 601-37.

    i.  Conduct; No Conduct waivers for any level are authorized. Live Scan (LS)
        results are required prior to being transported to MEPS to process.

    j.  Affiliation with another Countries Armed Forces; Applicants cannot have a
        current or remaining affiliation with another Country�s Armed Forces
        which includes Reserve or Guard like commitments.  Recruiters/Center
        Commanders/GCs will inquire as to any past or current other Country Armed
        Service affiliation and ensure the SF86 accurately displays the
        responses.  The MRSC commander must provide a copy of the SF86 to the GC
        prior to enlistment processing.  If the applicant professes to have no
        affiliation, processing may continue.  If an applicant states they are
        currently affiliated or have a Reserve like commitment remaining, the
        applicant is not qualified for enlistment or appointment.

    k.  Language; MAVNI is limited to applicants who are native English speakers
        orpass the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) at the 2+/2+ level or higher
        in both speaking and listening.  OPI test must be completed prior to
        reservation processing.  Request for OPI test is located on the IKROme
        Portal under G3 Plans, Operations/Policy/MAVNI OPI Request.  OPI requests
        are sent via encrypted email to and on CC line
        to and  OPI
        testing is authorized at the MEPS or MRSC.  Proctors for the test are
        either the SGC or the MRSC Commander/OIC.  There are no exceptions to
        enlist or commission anyone outside of the AOCs listed under e. Education

     I.  OPI test results will return to the GC/MRSC requesting the OPI within 72
         hours of test completion. Results will return via email from DLI on a DA
         Form 330. Results will be scanned into DCA in source folder, DA Form
         330, Oral Proficiency Interview Score Sheet. The MRSC will provide a
         copy to GC when scheduling enlistment processing.

    II.  GCs are required to submit the OPI scores from GCRc to REQUEST using the
         below codes that coincide with the OPI score. It is vital to select the
         correct proficiency level in GCRc when sending to REQUEST.

        2  =  Limited Working Proficiency
        2+ =  Limited Working Proficiency Plus
        3  =  General Professional Proficiency
        3+ =  General Professional Proficiency Plus
        4  =  Advanced Professional Proficiency
        4+ =  Advanced Professional Proficiency Plus
        5  =  Functionally Native Proficiency
6.  Citizenship Verification Process; MRB Operations will submit an email to the
RCRO-PP inbox using the subject line �Citizenship Eligibility�.  Email will
include the applicants name, CAST/EST score and which AOC applicant professes to
qualify.  Attachments to the email will be the appropriate signed letter of
intent and all of the citizenship documents that establishes the applicants
immigration status for at least the last 2 years (foreign passport, I-94, I-20,
I-797, DS 2019, employment authorization card, VISA type). G3 Policy will review
the citizenship documents and validate the applicant�s Alien Registration or I-94
number with information contained in the Systematic Alien Verification for
Entitlements (SAVE) program.  Expect a 72 hour turnaround for results.  The email
that is returned by G3 Policy will indicate if further processing is authorized
and will also identify if there is a ship window that must be met in order to
process for enlistment.  Results from SAVE will also be present on a G845 which
will be scanned into DCA by MRB Ops.

7.  Recruiters will build applicants in DCA using the citizenship type-(MAVNI)
Non Immigrant Foreign National (J). GCs will validate the correct code is present
in GCRc when sending the applicants information to REQUEST.  All applicants
enlisting under MAVNI will enlist under REQUEST Option 42 with an ENLOC of MAVNI.
Future Soldier remote reservations system (FSR2S) is NOT authorized for MAVNI.

8.  Incentives; all incentives that are authorized for the applicant�s qualified
AOC are authorized.  There is no stand alone MAVNI incentive.

9.  Recruiters will initiate the MAVNI information paper with the applicant.
Applicant, Recruiter and Center/Assistant Center Commander are required to sign.
The information paper is located on the IKROme Portal under Plans,
Operations/Policy/MAVNI Information paper.  Information paper will be scanned
into DCA under Prior Service folder as MAVNI information paper.

10.  MAVNI Soldiers will be informed that they are required to process for
expedited Naturalization upon inprocessing of their TPU and receipt of their
N-426.  Naturalization is a requirement for MAVNI Soldiers, they must attain U.S.
Citizenship.  Soldiers that fail to meet the full term of their appointment
obligation will be reported to the Department of Homeland Security to commence
De-Naturalization.  Soldiers that are denied Naturalization for any reason may be
processed for discharge if the Soldier�s Commander deems it appropriate.
Expedited Naturalization is currently approved by the President as a Wartime
statute.  If the President announces that the Wartime statute has been rescinded,
enlistments under MAVNI will be discontinued.  After enlistment into the FSTP and
TPU, Recruiters and Future Soldier Managers will assist MAVNI future Soldiers
with completing their Naturalization application located on the IKROME Portal
under Plans/Operations/Policy-Naturalization Packet.  Additional information is
available at (AKO Login required),
under the �Road to Naturalization�.  MAVNI Soldiers are required to submit their
Naturalization paperwork to USCIS upon receipt of their N-426 from their TPU
Company or Battalion Commander.  TPU Commanders are authorized to sign the N-426
after the soldier has attended a minimum of four Multiple Unit Training
Assemblies (MUTAs).  MAVNI Soldiers must attend all required MUTAs until the
receipt of their naturalization certificate.  Recruiters or GCs will not sign the
forms nor will they mail any Naturalization paperwork to USCIS.
11.  MAVNI applicants who have dependents who are linked to their immigration
status will complete the MAVNI Dependent Questionnaire� located on the IKROme
Portal, under Plans, Operations/Policy-MAVNI Dependent Questionnaire.  The
completed form will be scanned into DCA under the Prior Service folder as MAVNI
Dependent Questionnaire.

12.  USCIS personnel will contact the MAVNI Soldier to conduct another interview
and initiate the Naturalization test with the Soldier.  If approved, a copy of
the Naturalization certificate will be given to the Future Soldier Leader to be
scanned into DCA in the source folder as N-550.  FSL will notify HSD Operations
through MRB Operations to request an offer for appointment for MAVNI Soldier to
commission into the Army Reserve.  Upon receipt of the offer for appointment from
HRC, HSD will provide an updated board release authorizing the Soldier to
commission.  The FSL will complete the DA71 in DCA to complete the soldiers
processing through DCA.  Soldiers selected for Regular Army will continue
attending MUTAs until released from the Active Duty List (seven days prior to
report date on RA orders).

13.  MRSC Commander will:

    a)  Ensure MAVNI applicant processing is scheduled for MEPS only.
    b)  Provide SGC with any required documents that are not available to SGC
        when projected through DCA for testing and physical.
    c)  Submit the JPAS background check in DCA when projecting board selected
        MAVNI applicants for enlistment.  Provide a copy of the SF86 to the SGC
        prior to confirming the enlistment processing, as well as any requested
        documents for processing.
    d)  Ensure MAVNI Soldier is contacted monthly to track Naturalization
        processing completion and MUTA attendance.  Notify MRB Operations upon
        receipt of Naturalization or issues involving MAVNI Soldier and TPU.

14.  GCs will:

    a)  Ensure that the enlistment application is completed properly and the ENSQ
        SF 86 is accurately filled out
    b)  Verify that Citizenship code J was selected and the enlistment option is
    c)  Verify the correct OPI score was submitted to REQUEST
    d)  Ensure shipdate is the same as enlistment date
    e)  Verify that immigration status expiration which includes grace periods is
        prior to the shipdate
    f)  Sign the MAVNI information paper and provide final version to the MAVNI
        FS, and MRS Commander to scan completed form in DCA Prior Service folder
        under �MAVNI Information Paper�
    g)  Verify that fingerprints were captured and submitted by MEPS personnel
        the day of DEP
    h)  Ensure that Top Secret Clearance (SSBI) is submitted and accepted the day
        after enlistment

15.  All MAVNI enlistments require additional Security screening measures.  This
will occur behind the scenes and will entail a National Intelligence Agency Check
(NIAC).  MRS Commander and HSD Operations will be notified if item(s) return that
need further attention.  If the NIAC check comes back �clean� G3 Policy will
notify HSD Operations which will indicate in the remarks review in DCA on the
future soldier screen �NIAC check negative, cleared to ship�.  All MAVNI
enlistments will also be submitted for a Single Scope Background Investigation
(SSBI), Top Secret Clearance.  There is no requirement for MAVNI applicants to be
screened by the Security Assistant for this clearance, GCRc will submit both of
these checks on all MAVNIs the day after enlistment based on the Enlistment
Option 42 and Citizenship code J.

E ai meninas, gostaram do post de hoje? Sim? Entao COMENTEM, caso contrario vou achar que estou falando com as moscas, Hehehe!

Se vcs tiverem ideias, perguntas, dicas ou sugestoes sobre o post do proximo mes, comentem tambem girls! Quero saber a opiniao de todas que tem acompanhado os meus ultimos posts sobre o servico militar!


Vejo voces no mes que vem!

 PS: Obviamente que ha mais papelada e mais informacoes sobre o assunto que nao postarei aqui por nao ser nada eminente mas se voces estiverem realmente interessados em se alistar estou prontamente me oferecendo a repassar todas as informacoes que eu tive acesso. Eh soh me contactar por msg no facebook que repasso as minhas fontes. ;)

11 comentários:

  1. Ainda não terminei de ler, mas PALMAS PARA VOCÊ! HAHHAHA
    Valeu pela preocupação em nos manter informadas sobre as possibilidades que temos nos states :D

    1. Obrigada Bru!

      Deu trabalho mas valeu a pena, considerando a quantidade de meninas que mostraram interesse no assunto. =)

  2. maravilhoso!

    muito obrigado pela sua dedicação, de verdade!

  3. Oi Caroline vc poderia me passar seu facebook?para eu entrar em contato com você?

  4. show de bola! SUPER util de verdae! tbm nao consegui acessar o 2nd e o 3rd link (se puder postar de novo =) )

  5. Oi! Parabéns pelo blog, e pelas informações.
    Mas tem uma informação que me deixa encucada.
    rs, com o perdão da palavra.
    Os pré-requisitos físicos, são importantes aí, tanto quanto são por aqui?
    Eu digo, a altura.
    O que voce pode me falar a respeito disso?!

    Um beijo!

  6. Olá, parabéns pelo blog e pelo post.

    Gostaria de saber se você tem alguma informação sobre a parte "Nonimmigrant categories E, F, H, I, J, K, L, M, O, P, Q, R, S, T, TC, TD, TN, U, or V."
    Dei uma busca e não encontrei.

  7. tbm nao consegui ver os link da pergunta 2 e 3

  8. Não consegui abrir , será que é pq estou pelo celular ?

  9. Vcs tentaram entrar nesses links, pq a hospedagem foi mudada.

  10. Parabéns pela pesquisa, trabalho duro. Não vi ou passou desapercebido, não vi idade limite...
