Pessoas que largaram tudo para se aventurar nesse mundão de Au Pair!

20 janeiro 2011


Hey girls, vim falar sobre um assunto que me emputeceu esse mes.
Meus 2 neuronios morreram semana passada por causa disso.
( 1 min de silencio pro tico e teco)

Voltando ao assunto, a maioria não sabe, mas toda aupair tem que declarar Tax aqui no EUA, nem sempre voce vai pagar, mas é obrigatorio declarar.

Minha Lcc me mandou um email com uns documentos em ingles pra eu preencher e ai eu falei: FUUUUUUU
Entao após usar meu companheiro google eu achei uma aupair que explicou no blog dela como faz, e eu vim dividir com vcs!

creditos à Nathalia Bueno:

How do I file taxes? –Step by Step Guide.
This guide is intended to give general instructions, and should not substitute for the advice or instructions given by the IRS or a certified accountant.

Step 1 - Obtaining a Social Security number or Tax ID number. If you do not already have one, please consult the below material
Social Security Number: /procedure_4.asp
Tax ID number:,,id=96696,00.html

Step 2-Calculate how much you have earned during the previous calendar year. Ideally you have kept track using the Au Pair in America stipend form. If not, please calculate using the number of weeks you worked as an au pair in the United States the previous calendar year and be sure to adjust for any changes in stipend during the year.
An example:
You earned stipend for 26 weeks in 2009 You earned $195.75* per week Your total earnings would be 26 X $195.75 = $5,089.50
(this rate will vary depending on your situation)

Step 3 –Do you need a W-2 form? Most au pairs do not ask their host families withhold taxes during the year (although this is allowed). If you did not request that, you will not have a W-2 form issued to you. That is ok. According to the directions, if you do not have a W-2 form you would just write the amount you earned during the year into the space where that information is requested.

Step 4- the exemption deduction. The exemption deduction is the amount you can deduct from your total earnings to give you your taxable income. For 2009, the Exemption Deduction is $3,650.00 (per the 2009 IRS 1040NREZ instruction book, page 7).

Step 5 – determining your taxable income. Subtract the standard deduction of $3,650.00 from the total earnings you figured out in step one. This gives you your taxable income.
An example: Total earnings: Minus Standard Deduction:
Taxable income
$5,089.50 - $3650.00

Step 6 – Determining what you will owe in taxes. determined from step 5, go to the Tax Table (link pdf/i1040nre.pdf) on page 17 and 18 of the IRS 1040NREZ instruction book. Find the dollar amount range for your taxable income and determine what (if any) taxes are owed.
In the example below, the taxable income is $1,439.00. Looking at the tax table below, you will see that this falls into the range of $1,425.00-$1,450.00. You will see the tax owed for this amount in the right column. It is $144.00.

Step 7: Au Pairs should fill out and file a 1040NR-EZ pdf/f1040nre.pdf
This is a link to instruction booklet

Step 8: Filing your return and payments: You can file your return electronically and pay online, or choose to mail in your payments. Below is a link to the IRS mailing addresses by state.
• To EFile your tax return:,,id=118986,00.html
• To mail a paper tax return (with or without payment),,id=105693,00.html
Additional Resources IRS information for au pairs:,,id=96420,00.html
For au pairs submitting a tax return, the following services may be helpful, but do charge a fee. Please note that Au Pair in America is not recommending and cannot guarantee these services.
• • • or
We hope that this information is useful for your tax planning purposes. If you have questions, please consult the resources listed in this information sheet for your specific situation.

Bom é isso
esse guia me ajudou mtoooo mesmo
natalia oliveira
O Blog das 30 Au Pairs

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2 comentários:

  1. Informação valiosíssima!!!

    E meninas por favor, paguem os impostos devidos, pois sonegação de imposto (mesmo que seja pouquinho) é crime aqui e dá cadeia!
    Para as meninas que pensam em ficar por aqui então, paguem mesmo pois problemas com o IRS pode te trazer problemas para troca de visto e até mesmo para obtenção de green card!

  2. Ola!!!! quero agradecer pelos creditos colocados a mim, sou a dona do blog q vc copiou isso, e realmente esse e-mail recebi da APIA, POREM tivemos um meeting de LCC a uma semana atras e ela me informou que quem chegou apos o dia 7 de agosto de 2010 NAO precisa pagar as taxas correspondentes ao ano de 2010, somente de 2011 q teremos q pagar ano q vem... espero q essa informacao ajude! um beijo
    Nathalia Bueno
