Pessoas que largaram tudo para se aventurar nesse mundão de Au Pair!

18 setembro 2012

Vanessa Aquino writting...

Olaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa puevo!

Tô sem novidades pra postar aqui, to no processo de preencher o app, que na verdade já esta preenchida mas tá faltando terminar a cnh para levar os documentos na agencia, MAS como tem uma amiga minha que esta online sem a carteira vou tentar isso, to indo levar os docs juntamente com um comprovante que estou tirando minha carteira (ja terminei a teorica falta a pratica), levando isso vou tentar falar lá pra me colocarem online enquanto to tirando, como quero ir em dezembro não quero perder tempo, sim sei que vocês vão comentar que provavelmente não conseguirei ir em dezembro, sim talvez sim talvez nao, prefiro esperar em Deus, que meus planos sejam os mesmo que o dele e vice-versa :D .

Bom sobre mim (meu processo) não tenho nothing to speak entao vou colocar aqui umas dicas de perguntas para host families para o momento tão ansioso e esperado SKYPEE!

About the children:
- How many children are there?
- What are their names?
- How old are they?
- What do they like to do?
- What are their favorite games and toys?
- Se a criança for bebê: Is she/he walking and talking yet?
- Are they energetic or calm kids?
- What do they like to do in their free time?
- Are they in the school? How they go to school?
- Am I gonna be supposed to take them to school by car?
- What do they usually eat? (for breakfast and lunch)
- Am I be supposed to make dinner?
- Is there any kind of food that you don't eat?
- Have the kids suffer from any kind of allergies?

About the parents:
- What is your name? What is your wife's name (or husband)? How old are you?
- Do the both parents work?
- Where do you work and what do you do?
- Do you have any religion?
- What are your hobbies?
- Do family members or relatives live nearby?
- What qualities do you find important in an au Pair? What are you expecting from me?
- What are the house's rules?
- What are the family activities on the weekends?

About their home:
- Where do you live? In which state?
- Is it a small town?
- Is it near a big city? Which one?
- Is it too cold in the city? Snow there?
- Do you live in house or apartment?
- Do you have pets?
- Do you have a housekeeper?
- What about the au pair's bedroom, what part of the house is the bedroom located?
- Will I have a private room, bathroom?
- Are there other families with children nearby?
- Are there any other au pairs in the area?
- What things are there to do with the children?

About the Au Pair's Duties:
- Will I be responsible for any household duties? If so, which ones?
- What will be my responsibilities with each kid?
- What will my schedule be like?
- Will I have access to internet and computer on my free time?
- Can I receive and make phone calls in your house?
- Will I have time to study? What time? Can I study when the children are in the school?
- Are there any English Schools near your house?
- What time can I get home during the week and on the weekends?

About the car:
- Will I have permission to use the car? How often? How far?
- Is a state driver's license required?
- Are there only certain times when I can use the car?
- Can I use the car during my free time?
- Who will pay for the gas when I use the car?

About the Au Pair job:
- Why are you interested in getting an au Pair?
- Have you ever had an au pair before? Is she living with you yet?
- Would you mind if I ask you to talk to her or send her an e-mail?

Perguntas para a atual Au Pair, caso eles tenham:
- What do you think about the family? And the kids?
- Are they nice with you?
- Do they pay you weekly or per month?
- Do you do extra work? I mean, if you work for other people, take care of their kids or clean the garden from neighborhood?
- Do you do any course? If so, are the courses near from the house?
- Is there any cool near place to go there?
- What do you think they would like to receive as a gift?

Gente eu sei que é muitas perguntas, mas quanto mais vocês se interessarem para perguntar é melhor, que mostra interesse e talz. Sei que na hora do nervosismo nem vai perguntar tudo, mas selecionar umas aí legalzinha e manda ver!
Bom vou indo, espero n ter falado besteira e ter aproveitado esse post. E comentem people!! beijunda e até proximo post que terei mais novidades sobre meu processo, assim espero e seja a vontade de Deus!!!

Vanessa Aquino

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