Pessoas que largaram tudo para se aventurar nesse mundão de Au Pair!

03 outubro 2012

Um "bicho" chamado letter

Olá meninos e meninas

Mais um mês aqui, firme e forte, mas vamos ao que interessa.

Desde que eu comecei  o processo para ser Au Pair, lendo, blog, grupos, pesquisando e pesquisando(sim, o processo já começa na pesquisa), eu via muitas meninas falando do “bicho” que era escreve a letter, então eu sempre fui preocupada com ela, e como o meu processo ta parado(culpada da maldita CNH), eu resolvi fazer a letter, pra mim, eu não sou uma pessoas muito criativa, então qualquer coisa que eu precise usá-la, eu me ferro e passo horas fazendo o que algumas pessoas conseguem fazer rapidinho, enfim.

Para fazer minha letter, eu pesquisei em vários blogs, algumas ordens que eu poderia seguir, mas acabei fazendo do meu jeito mesmo.
Então vamos a minha letter:

1º Parágrafo:Eu falo sobre mim e um pouco do meu estado.

2º Parágrafo:Eu falo sobre minha família, sobre  meus estudos, o que eu gosto de fazer.

3º Parágrafo:Eu falo sobre o porque eu decidi ser Au Pair.

4º Parágrafo: Eu falo sobre as minhas experiências  em cuidar de crianças.

5º Parágrafo: Qual a importância o programa Au Pair, para minha vida pessoal e profissional.

Quando eu terminei minha letter, eu mandei para algumas amigas darem uma olhadinha, e todas aprovaram, e no final eu mandei para as minhas duas agentes APC e CC, e ela foi aprovada, sem precisar arrumar nada, fiquei muito feliz, claro que para alguns, é apenas mais uma besteira do APP, mas para mim foi algo bem legal, porque já vi meninas precisarem refazer inúmeras vezes, antes da agência aceitar, mas não importa.

Vou deixar ela pra vocês darem uma lidinha:

Dear future host family

My name is Kamyla Amorim, I'm 23 years old, I live in Brazil, in a town called Maceio, located in the northeast of the country. My town is known for its beautiful beaches, it is not a very big town but it is well visited by tourists from all over the world.  

I live in A house with my father Carlos, my stepmother Marcia, her daughter Barbara and my brother Gabriel. My dad is great, HE raised me and taught me the basics to be a good person, polite and hardworking. He is a great man, an example to me, my stepmother is like a mother to me, cared for me and taught me how to be a firm and decisive woman, my sister is 3 years younger than me, she is very intelligent and quite like to study, and there is my little prince, my brother Gabriel, HE IS 9 years old, he is my world, HE is the love of my life, very intelligent, smart, handsome, caring, polite and makes me feel good, because I am 14 years older than him, it made me act as a 2nd mom to him. I help taking care of him since he was a baby, help bathing, feeding, take to the doctor, help with the homework, take for walks, swim. I usually take him to play outdoor because we live near the beach and we always ride a bike there. My family is united, always doing programs together, traveling tours, lunches, whenever we have lunch or dinner together. My biological mother IS Rachel, but we do not have much contact. I Am single, I student TOURISM and I love what I chose as my future profession, I am in my last period at college, i intend to go as soon as I am gratuated. I like to do many things such as walking, cycling, going to the beach, to the movies, the mall, take pictures, read a book, take my brother and cousins ​​to the playground, pool, I really like to travel, meet new people and places, and always wanted to have an experience of living outside my country, and as I love children, I decided to be Au Pair.

Well, I decided to be Au Pair because I love children, and have many experiences in taking care of them, and since. I always wanted to do an exchange program I thought this one would be the best for me because it could allow me to take care of children and learn from them a new culture and improve my English, also because I think is safer living in A home of an American family, and may be part of it being a big sister for their children. I would love to see the differences and similarities of the two countries. I also intend to use my experience as an Au pair to do an English course because when I return to Brazil it will be essencial for my work, to be able to speak English fluenty.

I started caring for children when I was younger, I used to babysit neighborhood children, so I started taking care of children my cousins​​, I also took care of my neighbor's children, two children, a girl of 6 years and a handsome boy of 3 years, took care of them for 3 years straight, every day, when she went to work I went to his house to take care of them. When I started taking care of her little girl, a newborn when she turned three years his brother was born, cared for him a few months. So I took care of my cousin's son Every Saturday morning or evening, when she started working. I still care when she needs it. I spent a few months going to a foster home to care for children and help them with their homework and play with them. I've always been very creative, and I can have good ideas about what to do with the children in their spare time, without television and video games, always looking to play games that teach them something, outdoor play, or even indoors. I always try to understand what they want, their problems, their doubts, this is a very good way to get your unique trust you, I love taking them for a walk and help them maintain contact with other children.

The most important thing for me in this process to be Au Pair is not the place where I'm going, but my relationship with the family as it is with them that I will live, and hopefully find a family that is really open to welcome any one out of their culture, which can enter a future Au Pair in family life, making your stay and your job more rewarding. I think there has to be an exchange of trust, affection and willing to succeed on both sides.

I hope you choose me, I'll always possible to be a good Au Pair.
See you.

Bom, espero que vocês tenha gostando da minha letter, e mês que vem tem mais :)
Kamyla Amorim

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5 comentários:

  1. Vanise Perli03 outubro, 2012

    Kamy a sua carta ficou ótima!!!! Achei bem objetiva.... esse é o objetivo mesmo.
    Te desejo toda sorte do mundo.


  2. yeeey aimga, sabia que vou refazer a minha? acho que vou seguir seu roteiro.. Março é noiz! hahaha

  3. Obrigadaaaaaa... adoro quando falam bem da minha letter. beijos flor

  4. Que que que, aquilo lá via ficar pequeno heim?? kkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  5. Oiii, adorei a carta.
    Estava bem preocupada em como fazer, não sou muito boa em por as coisas em uma ordem e vou seguir a ordem da sua carta...
    Muito obrigada por compartilha-la conosco, ajudou muito...
    E a carta é linda...

